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Scottish Power

You probably already know, but in case you don't, Scottish Power is one of the top six power companies in the UK, providing energy to over five million households and businesses nationwide. They needed a way to reward their employees, and we provided the answer.

The strategy.

As part of their Flexible Benefits scheme, we offered year-round tastecard memberships to their 6,000+ employees across the UK, helping them save cash on the things they love. We also helped create promotional materials to raise awareness of Scottish Power's shiny new employee benefit.

The result.

Introducing tastecard as an employee benefit for Scottish Power was a complete success. “Having worked closely with Scottish Power to successfully launch our tastecard offering, I was delighted to see how well the benefit was received by employees. Their initial engagements completely exceeded our expectations.” William Lunt, Scottish Power Account Manager at Ello.

What our clients say.

Here's a few kind words from Scottish Power's reward manager:

Client quote scottish power

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